Paula's Logo Design
was done by Elizabeth Bennett.

To contact Elizabeth,
email her at


"My friend Marilyn (Horsch) is an amazing artist. We paint together and listen to endless John Denver. I have tried to open her heart to Andrea Bocelli but she remains faithful to JD."

The following is a link to her website:

Marilyn Horsch


"Joan has blessed my life with her friendship and intuition,
ever aware of our connection to the Divine and
the powers of the universe that surround us always.

The following is a link to her website:

Joan Clark's Palais Aromaetica


"I met David while attending the wedding of a mutual friend in Guatemala. His paintings are exquisite."

The following is a link to his website:

David Loren Bass


"I consider Mark Weber my mentor, teacher and friend. I respect him both professionally and personally. He is easy to read when he likes my work and he not only gets but appears to enjoy my humor. Thank you, Mark!"

The following is a link to his website:

Mark Weber


"CTC is a nonprofit African Childrens Relief focusing their efforts on the community of Maai Mahiu in Kenya. I was honored to participate in one of their medical mission trips. They welcome your support in any way... be it hands on or monetary."

Visit their link by clicking the link below:

CTC International

© 2010 Paula O'Callaghan